The Gaslamp District

My Aunt Linda and I were walking around downtown San Diego looking for a good place to grab a bite to eat... okay...okay... I dragged my Aunt Linda downtown so I could shoot some photography and finding a good place to eat was a bonus. :) Excellent Sushi in San Diego by the way... We started out at Horton Plaza and walked around Market Street and the Gaslamp District in downtown San Diego. I've probably been to this city 20 times since my grandparents moved out here when I was a little kid, and truth be known, I had never walked around the actual downtown area. My family would always wind up going to Seaport Village, or a theater in a specific area of downtown, but I had never just walked around the city. San Diego in recent years has been on a campaign to revitalize the downtown area. They've built numerous high-rise apartment buildings, a baseball stadium (Petco Park) as well as an elaborate trolley system to link the outlying suburbs to the metro area. Luckily, my Aunt an I arrived downtown just as "magic hour" was about to take place. Being close to winter, the sun is setting here at about 5:00PM, so it's nice to get an early start on great skyline photography. I can't wait to show you all the series of shots that I was able to come up with. I wanted to take some time and explain how I shot them so if you get a chance to visit a cool city yourself, you can go out and look for some of interesting things to photograph.


Now, when I shoot HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography, I'm looking for certain things. It takes time and patience to create an HDR, so I only want to shoot things that I know will turn out well when I'm post-processing my images.

First, I like to wait until I have an interesting sky. I think that clouds work best for this, especially in the late evening when clouds pick up the bright reds and oranges of the setting sun. However, sometimes (most of the time in San Diego) you don't have any clouds. When this happens, you really have to wait much later in the evening to pick up some great color. I'll be honest that a Photoshop guru can certainly make the sky whatever color they want, but to be a purist, I am doing very little color enhancement to the sky in the series I'm going to show you.

To see some great examples of HDR photography that will blow your mind, check out Ben Willmore's site:

I love angles, textures, and perspective. When you combine these elements with great color, it can be a winning combo for a great image. The reason I like to shoot HDR is because it looks surreal. You can see what your eyes would see if your brain could process the lightest of the light and the darkest of the dark all at once. Since you don't see that way, multiple exposures from your camera will show you what you're "missing". In the late evening, I like to shoot 5 exposures. This is known as "bracketing". The textbook definition is: "An exposure technique to assure an accurate, or preferable, exposure. I like to compose my shot at proper exposure first, or even 1 stop below "proper" exposure. I think going 1 stop of light below helps to bring out richer colors, plus the way-over exposed shots don't get you much in post-processing. Next, I set my camera to shoot -2, -1, +1, +2 exposures of the exact same shot. Basically, 2 stops below, 1 stop below, 1 stop above, and 2 stops above "proper" exposure. What this is doing is allowing your camera to capture the darkest darks and the lightest lights. This is allowing you to capture as much contrast (the differences between the light and dark portions of your image) as possible.


Notice that in this HDR, you can see the full range of color in the windows. The darkest blues, as well as the brilliant teals, are combined to show the gradual change in color from the horizon to the sky. In addition, notice how you can see detail underneath each balcony all the way up the building. This is because the over-exposed shots were combined with the under-exposed shots to get you both detail and color.


This is an example of how you can accentuate features of a building using HDR. I love the lines and symmetry in this image. The sconces on the side of the building look like they're on fire. I love how the trees and the arches draw your eyes into the image. I feel like I could just keep looking higher and higher.

I'll be posting some HDR images throughout the week, as well as show you some before and after processing images, so you can get a sense of what I'm doing. I hope you like the shots... there's definitely more to come!


The Family...Kaufman

While walking around San Diego with my family, I typically spent much of my time running around looking for cool things to photograph. Now, I don't want it to seem like I didn't actually spend time with them, it's just that they don't often like to be the subject of my photography. However, I did get them to loosen up a bit (that's what I do!) and pose for a few shots. Here are some of my favorites...understanding that my family likes to be behind the me. :) Either way, I've got to get them a little face time on the blog right? After all, I wouldn't be who I am today without them.

Out and About in San Diego

Two of my favorite places to shoot in San Diego are at Seaport Village and Balboa Park. My family decided to spend the day out on the town and of course, I couldn't resist bringing the camera along to see what I could come up with. I wanted to focus on color, texture, and perspective during my time in San Diego, as well as shoot a few new HDRs. I came up with a couple shots that I'm really happy with.

San Diego Bay HDR

Chris visited the same location about a month ago, and I was curious to see if I could pull of an HDR here. I think it looks surreal. :)

Artists Plaza at Balboa HDR

The Spanish Village Art Center at Balboa Park. The HDR does a great job of capturing all the brilliant colors.

More to follow...


Andi and Nick (From the Stadium to the Streets)

About a month ago, Chris and I worked with an upcoming 2010 couple, Andi and Nick. I have to start off by saying that this shoot was just flat out cool. We got a chance to shoot at Ohio Stadium, home of the Ohio State Buckeyes! It was somewhat eerie walking into a stadium that is typically full of screaming fans and hearing nothing but silence and the click of the shutter. We walked onto the 50 yard line and started shooting away. We took some great panos of the stadium and had a lot of fun running around the field and the stands in the Horseshoe. Next, we took Andi and Nick to downtown Columbus for some shooting on the street. Northside Market provides some great opportunities for multiple setups and dynamic backgrounds. Our couple was so relaxed that it made the shoot an absolute joy. That's what it's all about on engagement sessions, lots of smiles, laughs, and flirting. All in all, we had a great time and we hope Andi and Nick love their photography! We can't wait to shoot the wedding.


Nicole and Brian (At the Conservatory)

Hi everyone! I'm catching up on some blog posts and wanted to share some of our latest engagement sessions. Nicole and Brian are one of our upcoming 2010 weddings, and we had a blast shooting with them this fall. It was a beautiful day out, and we got a chance to run around almost all of Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus. Brad and I were following Nicole and Brian down a hill to grab a few more shots up near the main building when I stepped in a divot and rolled my ankle. Of course, I spend more time on the shoot talking with the client and making small talk than watching where I'm stepping.  I would have put money on it being broken or at least a bad sprain, but I was able to hobble down the hill and finish up the shoot. When I got home that night my ankle was huge. Luckily, my lovely girlfriend Rebecca was a ballet dancer for many years, and thus knew exactly how to take care of a sprained ankle. Thanks to her, I was running around again in a week.

Despite the ankle, the shoot turned out great and we were able to produce some wonderful engagement photography for Nicole and Brian. Enjoy!

A Portrait Shoot with Katharine

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I had some down time out here in San Diego, and I'm currently recovering from my tryptophan induced coma. So, I decided to work on a few blog posts. A few months ago, my friend Katharine needed some headshots for her acting career in Massachusetts. Of course, I volunteered to shoot some for her since I always look forward to mixing things up a bit with photography. Katharine brought in a few outfits and we got to work. I remember asking her as to why we had to have so many different color outfits if we were just going to convert them all to black and white. She told me that these days, many casting directors are now requesting full color headshots and that this was now the norm. I actually wasn't aware that casting agents / directors don't really request black and white shots anymore.

Either way, I think we were able to come up with some great shots for her, and being an old high school friend, I thought it would be fun to come up with a magazine cover for her. I have no doubt that she'll be on the covers of magazines one day, but for right now, let's consider this a preview of coming attractions. :)

Thanks for a fun shoot Katharine!



Miami University (The Lilly Conference)

Hi everyone! I'm down here in Oxford, Ohio at Miami University to attend The Lilly Conference on College Teaching. This is my second year here at Lilly and I actually got a chance to present with a wonderful friend and colleague, Debra Westerfelt. Deb is an Assistant Professor of Business Management at Ashland University. We presented a lecture on "Web 2.0 Tools for the 21st Century Collaborative Learning Environment. We discussed techniques and free online tools that instructors could use easily in their classrooms. This is a topic that I'm passionate about, because I enjoy helping people achieve that "ah-ha" moment. Aside from purely just photography, I have a sincere love for teaching. I always thought the best instructors in college were the ones that had practical real-world experience. I think I'll be very lucky if one day, I can teach at a University, a class on the ins and outs of owning a business and exploring ones own creativity.

Now, as you all know (or at least those of you who follow the blog) I never travel without a camera, and this trip down to Oxford was no exception. I had some free time this evening to run around campus and create some cool new HDRs. Now, being a Bowling Green guy, I have to say that my loyalties remain with my dear alma mater. but I was able to put aside my disdain for our football rival and shoot what I think are some really cool shots. Miami has one of the most beautifully designed campuses I've ever seen. The new buildings are immaculate and are nothing short of amazing. I listened to a lecture by Michael Wesch, (Professor at Kansas State University that created the "A Vision of Students Today" video ---> Worth Watching!!!)  in their new business building and I was blown away by the layout and design. This place definitely knows how to create buildings with style and elegance.

So, when I went shooting this evening, that's what I set out to capture, the style and elegance of some of Miami's landmarks and new buildings. I hope you all like what I came up with!



Business Building




We've seen a lot at weddings...

We've heard some pretty cool speeches at weddings, but nothing as different as this! I have to say that this video is absolutely classic, and worth a watch. One thing about shooting weddings is that lots of our friends send us fun videos and links for us to check out. This one was worth a post. I participated in my high school's theatre department for three years, so this particular video put a smile on my face. (Thanks for the vid Tom!) Check it out:

I love it when people switch things up and try to do something original on wedding day. Hope you like the vid.
